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Everything posted by $1000000

  1. Yes, I do call that biting. I've lived in Melbourne my whole life and have only seen faded stickers and the odd throwup (tellingly these throwups do not match his piecing style). As for posting my stuff there has been plenty on here over the years, and amusingly I remember a few of your 7500 posts back in 2007 or 2008 mentioned me in a favorable light. Just noticed a post you made flexing your knowledge of Starcraft in Korea, reminds me of a recent interview, maybe this issue is more personal than you're letting on? See you WhiteKnight.
  2. There is a big difference between illegal street pieces and illegal dayspots in empty warehouses. You can say they are technically illegal, but they are no different to legal walls in practise. As for Horfe biting, see attached screenshots from flickr where the dude basically admits where it's coming from (and please don't try to argue that it's a one off tribute and none his other pieces bear the same striking similarities): and note the comment reply here For further comparasin: Borrowing generously from Horfe's warp effect [/url] And also taking a character concept here Judging by the flickr this isn't anything the guy wouldn't admit. You fanboy's need to get off the cheerleading team and awknowledge that while on their own merits this guys pieces aren't bad, they are just borrowed illegal styles from paris repackaged with some orginial concepts and painted in chilled spots.
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