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Posts posted by mynameisfun

  1. heyy assholes, i just posted like 100 good flicks that i took with my own camera and on my own free time to make all u happy, everyone do me a favor and shut up unless you got something constructive to say or post photos...


    ps: sick ghost attachment up there


    props and all i got to say is seventy hour work week.

  2. ^^^^ funniest thing ive read all day. Like seriously...so many double standards on this faggoty gossipy jersey graff scene. You get no props for getting your hand held and driven to spots in a car. and on another note..the double standard of bombing. ok so false can clip numerous writers...and no one said shit since his throwup is on point (generic, can fill neat and outline properly) he has the blessings of most people on this forum. yet someone like cro is yet to get the props he deserves for actually smashing and having a less neat looking throw? I no understand. Its like...you get props for having a generic, non offensive style. However if it deviates from the norm...drips, sloppy, some wierd ass style people throw it in the back burner. Like that dude gives...he had all the blessings from the regulars on this thread. Dude never bombed streets, just tracksides and ok a tag or two on Canal St. Generic, non offensive style, non offensive bombing. Then those same dudes will shit on some bomber regardless of how hard he/she bombs because it doesn't look "generic" or "neat."


    ok ready for my two sense, false has got alot of good ups and not just a clean throwie. You are talking out of your ass on that one. yes he hasn't been around for long but when he is the talk of this forum, i'm gonna say I told you so, kid has mad potential. Now cro has been throwing up the same shit for a while, noone wants to see the same ratty throwie. Not saying he doesn't have ups but he doesn't do anything different. and whats this nonsense about blessings? honestly if you are bitching about what half the members are saying on this forum, you should probably quit graff and move on to whatever else you do. because 50% of the members are old ass men who have doin there thing before you were born.


  3. notice dude didnt leave a name who wrote faggot on this byas, why? cause he knows byas would make him sit in the corner wearing a baby bonnet while forced to watch him fuck his girl. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    i have a good idea who it was and more than likely byas will march his ass back there and go over it (again) anyway.

  4. "whatever happened to just writing? if you have skill or not, as long as you have passion for writing, crews and beefs shouldn't matter, i will only rep one crew ATW, because its the only crew with my friends in it and i know they got my back as much as i have theirs."


    Some of us got good and were tired of toys like you blowing up everything. this shit is a FREE FOR ALL. don't forget it!

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