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Everything posted by skcirtskcirt

  1. loving the legal/jays with the tremclad stock tips
  2. nice fucking find, along with that fluke jone
  3. the original 357 you fucking clown
  4. bump selling drugs to kids / stealing dealing killing
  5. sorry, meant to quote this.... at a fucking legal?!
  6. hahahha big gangsters posted up in front of a fucking jetta
  7. anyone who has seen my shit before knows damn well that those last 2 are probably the cleanest things ive ever painted (as sad as that may be after so many god damn years hahaha) anyways i think theres something to be said about that. respect.
  8. that was fucking fast. beautiful hit, if only he could see it himself. and touching on a few of the other posts, I know this could've happened to any one of us. I mostly roll solo and theres been plenty of times where i'm in the yard thinking to myself of all the things that could go wrong and its not like i have someone with me to report it. I brought my girl to turcot to paint once, you should see her after hearing this. can't believe i took her to this "dangerous spot." Don't get me wrong, it is fucking dangerous but if you're careful and clear headed its not hard to survive. obviously easier said than done, how many of us actually go paint completely sober? I know i always have a couple fattys rolled for a mission, if not accompanied by a big 10. usually when you're walking tracks/trackside, the easiest place to walk is on the tracks. its all high fucking bush and mud on the sides. I was walking on the bridge next to CN wellington, crunk as fuck when I started hearing a faint ticking. Sure as hell didnt sound like a train, i mean it didnt even cross my mind that it could be one, even though i was on the tracks. I was either really stoned or really stupid.... or both. Last second this ticking is getting louder and louder, thank whoever was watching over me but I turned around and saw a passenger train coming and luckily dove off to the side to avoid it. The cocksucker didnt even sound his horn until i had jumped off the tracks. dont really know the point of this story but i know someone mentioned something about the ticking of the tracks. recognize that. and recognize that shit is all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. I know we've lost some soldiers in montreal but this is the first one that i hear of that isn;t self inflicted and actually the result of a complete accident. I didnt know dylan well, he was on my facebook and I would see him around at sub-v and at every graff jam(something i feel like he never missed). I can only imagine what his friends and family are going through if im this fucked up. REST IN PEACE.
  9. this is fucked up, not what i wanted to see when i came on here. never met the dude but we're from the same hood, he came up strong and fast. cant believe this, to all his homies, stay strong. RIP JAYS
  10. just came to see some new york bombing, i cant believe how gay some of the people in here are... this nominee faggot and the way he talks...jesus, who posts a picture like that on this type of website? and then says we're gay for looking at it... this cracker deserves a beating
  11. big up the mos tag on ste-catherine on RDS intro before habs games couldnt get a pic of the soma on that via
  12. has everyone already seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rmbpDhFW2w&feature=related
  13. ya ya we've all seen the tennesse grow op, 60 days harvest, must be some nigger nines up in there
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