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Posts posted by *.EvolveorBurn.*

  1. I don't think I could ever stop it's an addiction when i meet people who want to start I tell them not to I've done my share of drugs and to me nothing beats that high of writting on things I may slow down one day and stop getting spots or painting trains but I will always bench and be down to catch a quick marker tag on something


    couldnt agree more. once the paints in your blood its for life

  2. did u pull the nib out? no!

    theres actually an arrow on the cap which says which way to unscrew the cap. closin a coke like the othr guy said. u ovr filled it. and dont hold it upside down for hella long. guna get all the ink right by the nib. instead jus whap it against ur hand a couple times w/ the cap facing away. use rags or some kinda contraption when filling to keep cleaner, also you dont rly have to modify markers jus make ur own ink. home made tops store borrowed anyday

    ....fuckin toy

  3. Change!




    Hook, line and sinker.


    Shit. it tasted so good though!

    well the constitution says it. europe practices it, even with a much better system then we have, and most of america is to fat or bitch made to do it, but Revolt Riot and Raise hell till we get some real fuckin change. with the way the judicial system looks like its heading people need to stand up for their freedoms before were all standing in a dictatorship scratching our head like. "da fuck..!"


    Big business operates the government and society in such an open way because we let them get away with it. if the people really were the final say in this society we'd have those fuckers in check.



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