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Tom and Jerry

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Posts posted by Tom and Jerry

  1. Wait a second, so when you go out late at night you want to see tough looking people that may rob or jump you? Is this right? Too many pussies out late? Well if you're so bummed about this why don't you stop whining and go out there and make it tough again, pussy boy! Go rob these homo rainbow ravers in their furry faggot pants!


    "pussy boy"? i love how you neanderthals make your assumptions on who is what on this site :lol: . and my point obviously flew over your head. please go back and quote me saying i wanted to get jumped when painting you idiot.

    and rob them? for what reason? im sorry but im not one of these low life thiefs that have nothing going for them in their drug abusing waste of space lives. btw im done conversing. more pics less talk.

  2. god yes..another fuckin person wining about how dope the city used to be, blah blah blah...

    cus your city is the only one in the world people are moving to right...like thru the yrs of natural human progression sf was gonna stay the exact same way it has thru the yrs..open your mind up and stop letting meager bullshit like how much more kids go to a fuckin park on the weekend to drink....who gives a shit...if you and your friends go there and chill...enjoy it within yourselves..why the fuck you soooo distracted by the simple actions of motherfuckers hangin out on a fuckin street or in a park..


    and that line about " there used to be a chance of gettin jumped or robbed at 3am."


    thats the dumbest shit ive ever heard.....cus if that happens your more legit..your cooler or some shit..that dope..hopin theres a chance to get mopped...


    obviously you dont bomb...i got chased outta china town not to long ago by some fuckin asian locals for bombin grant and all the side alleys one night,


    ive been chased out the mission for being latin and niggas out there gettin shit confused and thinking i bang when i dont even come close to being associated with a real gang...


    but you know what...thats shit sucked..i didnt think i was any cooler or sicker for having to run blocks to avoid gettin my head bashed in by some dumb shit dudes with a fuckin complex and a love for shootin people for wearin the wrong shade of teeshirt..


    honeslty though...get over the whole gentro bullshit argument that yall keep cryin about...


    try opening your fuckin simple ass mind and traveling to a few other cities and watch how the next local shit head in that city cries about your dumb ass taking over his chill spots, his street he grew up on, his fav local eatery...lol...


    people move around the world..it happens...get the fuck over it...its what the principle of this country was based on..immigration and expansion.


    You dumbfuck i said nothing about locals i was talking about the people in SF in general there all fucking faggot hipsters now that are in every part of the city, and YOURE SO COOL BRO OMG YOU GOT CHASED BY SOME ASIAN STORE OWNER AND SOME LATINS!!!!! OMG YOU WANNA SIGN MY BLACKBOOK!!!!! ive been chased too all i was getting at was the city used to be a tough ass city, doesnt seem that way anymore, but obviously theres still gangs and ghetto mutha fuckas that would jump you for the hell of it, but the last few times i painted the only people out there besides me and my homie were the ravers dressed in some rainbow colors

  3. I still can't get over this shit. WE REALLY LOST. FRISCO NIGGAS & LOCALS, WE LOSE. We lost our neighborhoods, culture, histories, communities, everything to a few real estate companies, the sfpd, & a shitload of hipstered-out yuppies that like to pretend they're poor. I love my culture, city & my people enough to admit this shit, like... more than pisses me off...it kinda hurts to see.


    All you working-class locals going to yuppie ass parties in the mission, promoting getrification, y'all need to take off those dope ass 49ers jackets, & those giants hats, 'cause y'all ain't doing shit for our fucking city. Fuck gentrification, they can move everyone out, I ain't going nowhere, I'm proud to be a motherfucking problem. You gotta keep hoods yours. The letters on this fitted-cap actually mean something to me.


    True fucking words spoken here^... I remember dp always being mobbed hella deep now that shit is hipster infested.. now the mission is all hipster infested... there USED to be a chance of getting jumped or robbed when u paint in the city, now who the fuck is out there at 2 or 3 am? just a bunch of faggot hipster ravers that want to be apart of something that they dont belong in...

  4. Anyone that has shit to say about STAK go fuck yourself... STAK held it down for so long from the 650-415. He's a legend in both areas, so if you want to give him shit for being the person he is today then go for it, just know you have no room to talk shit about someone who has held it down for so long.

  5. more jamer


    more jamer? i hope u mean the bay area native jamer... not that random european jamer....... no hate at all towards the european jamer.. but especially on a thread about frisco fools should remember their history...

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