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Tom and Jerry

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Posts posted by Tom and Jerry


    hella writers are snitches cuz theyre scared to get in trouble. writers nowadays have no heart whatsoever. and nino's is the fuckin buff program:lol: :lol:


    Yea fuck snitches, i got snitched on a few years back, i thought graff writers would man up by now but i guess not

  2. Bump this!


    @Tom and Jerry


    Wasn't trying to sound like a dick in that last post. Good flicks, keep them coming.


    Its all good Im actually not even sure if its the real GATOR either, i just took the pic assuming it was him

  3. 3723165714_00504a2594_b.jpg


    lol fuckin snitchin ass bqm cats..no type of roller bars whatsoever. you think they wouldve learned how to use a roller being in nino's program so many times:confused: :confused: :confused:


    why are so many writers snitches now? and wtf is nino's? haha

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