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Everything posted by glasstipedover

  1. does anyone got a pic of the sov and aesia that was done a few years back , it was right off 2nd ave by 10th street bridge, under where all the bums live...
  2. yeah the ones on the buildings were, but idk about the one on the lamar billboard when your driving towards town on 2nd ave
  3. I do know he had at least one helper and a film crew, i watched him put up the one on the jail trail by the hotmetal bridge
  4. actually, Shepard Fairey the guy that runs obey had his own show at the Warhol, so because of it, just like every other city he does shows at he puts up a ton of work, i give him props, if you look around he got some pretty good spots.
  5. by red white and blue on 51... right?
  6. went to go get a pizza earlier, walkn dwn the street, noticed a jesse hand inside the base of an old cut down metal telephone pole, post pic later
  7. Puz and sov on last page are tight
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