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Posts posted by artfinder12

  1. Hi. My name is FartMinder13 and I like to take pretty pictures. Hopefully I'll get a segment on Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. After that possibly get an exhibition at City Museum, and then I'll take a photo of your fucking face. Getting fucked. Fun!

  2. All I'm sayin.. I thought this forum was for flicks of whats up. So lets see some flicks y'all. Internet beef is for kids, toys and fucks who live with their parents. I find the ill shit to show peeps whats up. Then I get messages saying don't post that shit. Well, fuck, if you dont like it, post some other shit, or, better yet, paint something so I can flick it? I post whats goin on, so it stands to pass that if you dont dig my flicks, then you don't dig whats goin on, so, fuckface, get the fuck up! Make a difference instead of complaining!


    If everyone thinks that STL is such a lost cause, or a shit town full of toys, are y'all just gonna sit back and watch? If you fucking care so much, do something about it. Then, finally, I can have some ill shit to post, this thread won't be a waste of time and this town won't be considered a joke.


    If not, shut the fuck off. Sitting on thread whining about how "lame shit is, and so and so is a toy and i'll choke you and i fucked your girl" doesn't make the scene grow. It just makes you look like you're 11 years old.


    This town needs help. Fucking help it. Shitting on it, and shitting on 12oz does absolutely no good whatsoever.


    I expect shitty dumb replies. I know some kids will crap on what I say, which is funny, it's those same mongoloid fucks who shit on the town anyway. Whatever. Do the thread a favor, do the scene a favor, and just PM me. The kids don't need to see you kids waste time. Just post flicks. Just get up. Just shut the fuck up too.

  3. Maybe I'll just stop posting. Seems like I'm feeding dipshits excuses to say some lame shit. It causes way too many posts without flicks as well. Hmm. Just a thought.

  4. Psht. Even in a good scene, toys aren't allowed to "burn" a dicked piece. Leave the Ldeez up if you're a toy. I say toy because, if you don't know that, it's pretty fundamental, then that is a toy move. Plus, Duoser, there's plenty, plenty of space. For real, 100 writers could come to town and I could show them all to virgin walls inside and out, so no, there's no reason to go over people. Especially considering how many old heads moved or have to lay low, so they simply cannot "keep spots clean" or reclaim.


    Or, here's a radical thought, no one could post anything, ever, and we could go back to when graf was a bit more real. When we all had to find it on our own and stuff rode longer than five minutes because someone saw it on PG or 12oz and hopped in their car with GPS to find it and dick it. I know it's crazy, work with me on this one people.

  5. So, what I gather then, is, everybody has a huge problem with STL graf. So, then why isn't anybody doing anything about it? Y'all hate on the people actually getting up, but no one else is getting up. It seems paradoxical. But, y'know, what do I know? I'm just the photo guy.

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