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Major Figure

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Posts posted by Major Figure

  1. Damn, that Vires is... basically just a waste of space. I guess that's what comes from a kid who "doesn't have time to learn the fundamentals".. It really shows.


    Sorry for the little rant, and I know it's been bitched about plenty of times, but it's sad to see people who just don't care about the quality of their shit.


    I personally don't want that to be part of what's representing Maine when it rolls out of state.



    On another note, bump all the younger dudes pushing freights, and doing it right! Hope everyone's doing good and I'll be back in town more often soon enough...



    H.V. - Good post man, bump Nysto, I'd love to see some shit from him. Anyone have some?




    who the fuck do you think you are dude??? You're shit doesn't belong on freights either. Your shit catches the zamboni as quick as a vires and crone piece.. People will cosign that.

  2. The first camera shoots at 60 frames/second and the 2nd one shoots at 30 or a weakly done 24. I'm outputting at 30, because I think it's crisper for the motion of this. long way of explaining: I can take the 60fps camera and play it back at 30 and it looks buttery, basically how slow-mo is done in skate videos, it takes 60 frames and spreads it over 2 seconds instead of 1.. might be a good way of solving both of the issues.. keep it close for quality and slow so it's not hard on the eyes.. might try some of that if I don't go out tonight.





    I'd like to get a project going where i can cut them to display the art as best I can, and then have a DJ do score for it. kind of backwards from how a lot of the independent stuff's done, but why not try it.. rip off them hollyhood motherfuckers.





    i enjoy the editing in the INDECLINE videos.

  3. when you're further back you can get a better look at the pieces without getting dizzy watching them go by. i think if the camera is placed just enough back to catch the whole freight, as opposed to one piece at a time or more than one freight at a time it would be pretty good.

  4. acting like a police officer and posting peoples personal pictures on a forum that mainly contains illegal activity. I've seen him go out of his way to do handstyles over people monikers, unless it's coincidental. People have gotten punched in the grill for writing government names in spots...

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