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Everything posted by RankOner!

  1. Wow why would you ever paint over what was already there?
  2. ALts exchange. fucked the ! though
  3. Thats ill ^ A good many kaos writers in the A, where you coming from? a quick simple just to not feel to unproductive, white paint pen was drying out towards the end.
  4. Sketched this up real quick out of receipt paper at work then went out later. started to rain a little so i decided to change the color scheme.
  5. this page is ill these were some sketches i did at work
  6. Those character slaps are dope as hell some work shit unfisnished
  7. Jamak lovin those sketches Rest of the page is dope as well Sorry to not add any flair with these little work sketches
  8. That Perks is ill. Pen Freestyle at work.
  9. a lot of fire sketches in here recent ish
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