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Posts posted by DurkStevens

  1. Re: Bush says Kanye West's "doesn't care about black people" was worst time of his Preside


    Obama isn't the worst. Not even close. He's only the worst amongst Conservatives, racists, and people that never voted for him in the first place. The rest that believe he's the worst are stupid, ignorant people just like you said... the plan by the right-wing started as soon as he got elected - to wage an anti-Obama campaign in the media and on the internet non-stop, spreading lies and conspiracies about Obama, and letting it spread and seep in amongst the populace, so that stupid/ignorant people could latch on and really start to believe all the negativity they've heard.


    Doesn't matter if what they spread is true or not. Say he's a Socialist. A racist that hates white people. Hates America. Is a Muslim. Born in Kenya. Caused the recession. Soft on terrorists. Using healthcare reform to kill old people. Indoctrinating children in speeches. Doesn't matter if it's true or not - the point is that it generates an atmosphere of vitriol that the ignorant can easily latch on to and start to believe that Obama is such a negative cancer on our country.


    This type of shit is why I gave up on ever caring about politics...They don't seem to actually give a shit about anything just winning, shitting on other parties and being in control.

  2. Ur tellin me...I was severely injured and they told me to do things I could not physically do to acquire unemployment. I gave up. Now Im dead broke living with my parents with no job and not able to work...sell drugs! Shoot cops! assassinate political figures!

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