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Everything posted by eye51

  1. i advise that you specify so you dont get "mad hated on"
  2. I almost feel bad for this fool, since i know he thinks nbc and him are "dope as fuck" both him and his "graff buddies" need an graff intervention, taking all of this into consideration i did laugh hard when i saw this
  3. ...weird site whats the relation?
  4. i dont know if i should laugh or be disturbed
  5. probably the most profitable job on here
  7. can we just not talk about biting?
  8. http://www.bombingscience.com/index.php/gallery/viewThumbs/batch/1265231170 found a meter pic
  9. i may be a kid but ive BEEN to japan, those videos dont even show the half of it, ex. ever heard of how japanese men run up to school girls cum on them and then dip out? ive seent it
  10. You are just a hater:o anyways she's dead so that means your into some sick shit...
  11. living expenses, and i assume you have them since you are on a computer
  12. Just wondering what do you do for money? not just for paint,markers,ect. but for everything BTW this is not about racking...unless it is then thats fine:D
  13. yes in fact we would. and chocolates would also be nice:D
  14. eye51


    guess i was lucky, but i wasn't in a yard it wsa on the train itself, it was drawing no actual graffitti relation, it was like 5 years back so maybe it was different where i was, how much worse is japanese jail in comparison to in the u.s?
  15. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Does not belong here!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "CHANNEL ZERO General off-topic discussion. Casual conversation and humor" put that shit here sir
  16. you know thats not the real harry... no, thats a cleaning tool in hand, get some glasses bro, they work for me
  17. eye51


    before i "wrote" i was there and drew on the sides of bullet trains and walls, anyways what im saying is that as long as its not in hiroshima, nagasaki, or any ancient japan places then nobody cares
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