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Everything posted by FUCK EVERYONE

  1. All of that was true except tha reces part. FUCK that fool.
  2. well when you find it post some dap shit. i wanna see some envy.
  3. thanks smokeweed. looks like me shit got gone over. forsit send me a p.m.
  4. that spot is tight. i hope all tha starv shit got gone over there. did it?
  5. whats up with tha saroe and hepc tags over that diar?
  6. i would have to say doom doom is right. keep that shit off tha internet.
  7. why would you say that. hes got a good amount of tags over there.
  8. my guy putrid. got cap hill on lock like its nothin.
  9. seagullboy why do you think you can talk shit still? on tha reel tip you need to shut you mouth. thats just me tho.
  10. damn fool you really are an idiot. some1 else did that outline to make dcups look bad. tha handstlye is different and tha throw up is different. and yes legend. seedr has been a legend since i can remeber. anything else you wanna talk about?!
  11. dcups did not do that outline. has anyone seen him do that throw up? no!! so why would he do a new throw up over a legend? i know that kid and he has more respect that that. plus he knows seed. so every1 chill. that beef is pointless.
  12. Post flicks. Stop talkin about starv and dcups. Its pointless!
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