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Posts posted by I_fell_off_the_bike

  1. the local guy that sells them slangs them for 7.50... or maybe it was cuz he didnt know me ... that shit is too expensive


    Hell yea thats over priced. its about 4$ or so a tin including shipping i think, i havent calculated it, its just a educated guess. but i know its about 3.50 or so on oink. :D

  2. As im sure most people said in the thread, this is a VERY GOOD thread, the first 2pages or so is pure good shit for the newer generations that dont know shit. only if i knew about these things when i was starting off. hope all the new comers take this real seriously, or they'll be on a big short roller coaster to arrest n all that shit.

  3. what kind of clown would want to mail order less than 6 cans of paint at a time? how broke are you motherfuckers?


    Who knows lol. Not everyone got internet access or alot of cash though. But that is kinda broke, if they can afford rusto but not ironlak. :scrambled: :scrambled: :scrambled: :confused: :confused: :p :p :p :rolleyes:

  4. On my views of ironlak, its a VERY dope paint, was using it yesterday, and it is very worth buying, even at the 6cans minimum at oink. good shit

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