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acros <gmf>

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Everything posted by acros <gmf>

  1. here's my note..i know my shit is ehh,but then again i never try to claim that i'm super nice anyways.
  2. no im getting them to.. i assume its some little kid thats bored..
  3. ^^ bump dek..both are really nice,especially the first 1..shit is fire.
  4. ^^ bump db 161,nike destiny,dune fuk,trap if, demer
  5. ^^bump that ven amw,shit is sick!! is that reas aok next to him?
  6. this shit is hard right here..^^bump!
  7. this shit is like a soap opra of graff..lol
  8. dont get me wrong the girls cute,but she looks like she got aligator skin..lol just my opinion
  9. why do i have to be gay cause my standards are higher then yours?? wtf..
  10. i like adeks style..i think his shit is ok.
  11. why am i gay,cause my standards are higher then yours..you'd beat it cause a dude like you probably aint used to getting that much pussy. where you cant afford to turn anything down..so you'll settle for smuts like that..the only thing your beating is yourself in the head..
  12. i'll tell you1 thing..i like maps <M> better then lewy's garbage throwies..even though they both have a lot of up's.
  13. shes cute,but you can tell by her legs she has bad skin.. she looks like 1 of those girls,that only looks good while her clothes are on..;)
  14. nice line up..bug aaw..soe p2d..revo ktn free revo..wons afb.
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