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acros <gmf>

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Everything posted by acros <gmf>

  1. why does everybody hate on jesus saves for? yeah his shits kinda whack,but honestly he's probably got more up's then most of you 12oz bench warmers anyways..:lol: :lol: :mad: :hatred: :crying:
  2. your just looking for a black eye..lol
  3. ^^^^ bump the shit out of that VEN AMW
  4. if you have more posts then you have up's..hang it up.
  5. ^^ if you dont like it then GTFOH!!!
  6. http://youtu.be/7W6ddFsVcOY http://youtu.be/7W6ddFsVcOY http://youtu.be/7W6ddFsVcOY
  7. i thought it was over myself...lol guess i was wrong. but im done with this topic..NEXT!!
  8. i heard they deported this toy seer/seez back to his country
  9. bump last dragon,and red zone,and get ur nod ON!
  10. bump my nigga ojae,fuck you chumps!
  11. first pic top right next to phame.
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