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acros <gmf>

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Everything posted by acros <gmf>

  1. its coming down hard right now..they just said on the news that transit will be shut down till monday afternoon. sounds like a great time to do some tunnel work!!
  2. damn pics keep coming out smalll..grr
  3. bump that sufer..shit is pretty tough.
  4. if desa was the million dollar vandal,when he only bombed his neighborhood back in the day.i wonder if they would consider him the billion dollar vandal now that he actually has some up's..lol
  5. damn why are all my pics coming out small..grr
  6. i know this is none of my business.but respect for your boy, whoever he is.may he R.I.P...but why go and make a new account just to ask alien a question? ehh nevermind..idk why i even care to know..i must be really bored..lol
  7. no doubt,well said. especially about him not being a graff writer,but more like a art fag,hipster,etc,etc..
  8. i honestly think jesus saves is more like a graffiti marketing genius. now if he's using graff as a way to spread gods word is a whole other story.but think about this,he chose a tag thats pretty catchy like a phrase. cause love it,or hate it,he's pretty much accomplished what every graff writer wants.(FAME!)he's all city,even if his shit is mad toy with no style at all. people read his shit,(regular people,graff heads.)he's known,people heard of him.i even seen those church people that be on the train stations, screaming "repent jesus is coming" rocking "jesus saves t-shirts"lol.. but yeah his style is whack..but you have to give credit where credit is due.
  9. what,am i lying? lol..seriously speaking. he got more up's then most ppl on here, including myself.:(
  10. why does everybody hate on jesus saves for? yeah his shits kinda whack,but honestly he's probably got more up's then most of you 12oz bench warmers anyways..:lol: :lol: :mad: :hatred: :crying:
  11. your just looking for a black eye..lol
  12. ^^^^ bump the shit out of that VEN AMW
  13. if you have more posts then you have up's..hang it up.
  14. ^^ if you dont like it then GTFOH!!!
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