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Everything posted by LEVEL10BOSS

  1. how many tyms is this scrib gna get posted its old:confused:
  2. jus listened 2the homies from "730" slapz.. fukn sick.!
  3. true hahah 6times.. well not ran over but hit by a car. tpbm has gotten alcohol poisoning once in there life
  4. false.reading is for squares. tpbm has tried meth
  5. false.. tpbm has seen there grandma naked by accident
  6. you could hav at least crossed that writer out the pik
  7. kuz everyone else is posting old shit. so y cant i post stolen shit?:huh2:
  8. stolen from RETARDED SPOTS http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3558/3617879839_ece931bcea_b.jpg
  9. true. breakfast is not really my thing.. the person below me has not bombed a freeway
  10. 831 scribs for ya.. diggin it?
  11. these last couple pages are nothing but old flicks. ya there dope but they are old. lets get some new stuff in here.
  12. ha true but its still dope..
  13. waaaaaahhhhhttt bogus and abukes fight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuyS_v1ESpkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91tkxkce6FU
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