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Everything posted by aratherlargetree11

  1. yea that smarted a lot.it doesnt really matter what anyone says, everyone is gonna have an opinion yad yada i mean i hate all this old school straight letter bs graff, the future of graffiti is coming in, and to be honest everyone does the same old shit over and over and over i mean i have never seen a diff NOVA piece LEDER..jesus dont even get me started. all of moms crew same shit, i mean but isnt that graff anyways? you guys dont make any god damn sense anyways, so why the fuck would i listen, you barely speak sentences in english. lol
  2. i know everyone has seen those shaped rubber bands these kids are wearing.
  3. bump that yors and close freight
  4. lovin ruiner, that sicr tall boy with valet is fire
  5. ok ok i admit the "faggotree" i have done, and i thought i didnt have beef with anyone cept for a friendly >U writer that started yelling at me on the side of the road whilest i was shitfaced, i cant recall exaclty what he said. i just wanna know what i did so someone pm cause im confused i just wanna know if i have beef lol.
  6. even though your being a douche that made me lol. hahaha
  7. some sean and filter side bustin
  8. and your graff is terrible :) love you
  9. you're the one who cant read dumb ass.
  10. ruiner says he is blindfolded, obvious moron is obvious
  11. yea its sad they dont paint as much which is why graff scene sucks here. im not hating im just saying that those are people that actually hold it down and are good in all aspects of graff. u can bomb all day long and have throws all over the state but if your shit is weak then enough said.
  12. i mean they are the only ones that can drop a piece in this state lol. here we go actual writers of NC fowl, obsoe, aloha, woem, close, sleroe, lawst, hide, u know people with actual style! and uhh yea sadly thats about it. lol and i didnt mention others its cause painting once a year doesnt make you a writer, and im not even gonna get into the other 90% of nc bullshit they call graff.
  13. dude i dont give a fuck what you say unless you can drop a piece like woem or obsoe then shut the fuck up. i have heads that tell me whats up with my shit, dont need an actual toy telling me.
  14. dude it wouldnt have matter mister nitpick bitch saw the number from the shade piece he can just look it up so he can get his pussy wet and continue to piss and moan about "graff this graff that" when his shit itself just sucks and shouldnt even be talking.
  15. dude it was old as fuck, they painted over it, and thats a bad night piece. busted? like all of NC's graff right? oh wait i mean you deff get up when you bomb the shit out of a little bumfuck mountain town. you guys are like women, bitch no matter what.
  16. diggin the chubby, and those obsoe's are right!
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