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Everything posted by aratherlargetree11

  1. any of you bia heads hmu, azul jue etc.
  2. he gives a shout to OHNO and it says kaos inc. yes its him
  3. this thread is like subway. hella medium.
  4. bump all that obsoe shit, always keepin it fresh.
  5. there is only a few people's opinions i give a shit about. people that can actually paint, you are one of a lot that tell me to keep going with what im doing, but how the fuck does someone who has been doing the same god damn outline for 12 years or some guy thats been painting for 12+ years and still blows....like how am i supposed to be like damn...i must suck cause that 10+ year toy just said so.....hahahahahha i mean really. at least i have can control i barely see one cat here that has that. i see some of your bs freights up close and its looks like asshole when i stand at least 100ft back it looks acceptable.
  6. when and why the fuck would i say that? bahahaha i mean you got skills but you are an asshole. i mean i try to be nice and i respect you, and you like to change your mind about my graff, cause thats not what you said not too long ago. ALSO so now graff is all about what other people think, so as long as moms, >U and the other faggots that run around here like it i guess im good...when they cant even paint themselves, its like when any of these guys say shit its like L O L are you fucking serious hahahahhaa. now your opinion is legit because you can ACTUALLY paint. but your pieces all look the damn same to me too i dont get it?
  7. yea that smarted a lot.it doesnt really matter what anyone says, everyone is gonna have an opinion yad yada i mean i hate all this old school straight letter bs graff, the future of graffiti is coming in, and to be honest everyone does the same old shit over and over and over i mean i have never seen a diff NOVA piece LEDER..jesus dont even get me started. all of moms crew same shit, i mean but isnt that graff anyways? you guys dont make any god damn sense anyways, so why the fuck would i listen, you barely speak sentences in english. lol
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