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Grey Ghost

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Everything posted by Grey Ghost

  1. agreed @ whatevs....to many writers today its close to impossible havin one person that writes a name....a crew or style more or less lets you know whos who
  2. shit i was i had takin some in the 90s.....i know that SK has been runnin since 98 i think some stolen from nace memory page.....the last one isnt 287 but not alot of people remember what that pink building used to look like
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SPjPGeYlMU "but reggie noble dropped him wit two brick city punches"
  4. ocky catchin the berd themo makin hoppers look fun
  5. thought those ntel jawns would throw a curve ball......def one of my favorite all around styles....theyr from 03 btw...dude stays consistant
  6. [ATTACH]129452.vB[/ATTACH] found this little gem in a file cabinet the other day...and yes im flossin my swagger:p
  7. [ATTACH]129449.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]129450.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]129451.vB[/ATTACH]:privateeye: :privateeye: :privateeye:
  8. laptop,porch couch,pjs,motel wifi.....come see me!!
  9. heard dude was mad toodles...i might draw on his girl and post it on shriiimp
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSwSpVIL2fc
  11. aint no fun unless the homies can come
  12. agreed herb....shit looks good somthin hot off the press....dude is gettin mad nice [ATTACH]129285.vB[/ATTACH]
  13. whos next to that second snuze..remindin me of onorok a little
  14. agreed.^^ ores def out on 40 shade......you really need to sketch more.....im being serious
  15. that old ass merz ridin fresh still
  16. i see a question mark....maybe hes askin to be initiated in....what you think fellaz?....does he got the skills to pay the bills lol
  17. WAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! on the real....lighten the fuck up B.....you have no idea who i am or what i know...i was agreein with you on some shit....but you got yer head all gassed up cause been in it for that long...so fucking what, but i like what hoodie said the little dogs bark the most....if you have any further issues get wit me in the pms holmes:snowman: :snowman: :snowman:
  18. really?.....didnt know much bout the dudes...jus see a few characters still floating around....but back when i lived elsewhere that site was the only thing i seen nc related.....but on a serious note...all the pictures from the first sets of pages in this thread that are red x's now....anyone got copys....id like to see some old nc steez.....pre internet
  19. wow i think my ghost attachments were more interesting then my rant...word up!
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