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Everything posted by WorldBench

  1. time out what the fuck kind of rapper from the "hood" calls his self "gucci mane" fucking lame ass mainstream
  2. me too but i got alot of you fucks on my buddylist and i dunno who is who p.s spreadaids types in pink
  3. im only on 50 but gurantee ill hit atleast 100 tonight
  4. you all make your lives sound so rough wait till people get to the real world where its like "hi im from blah collection agency, we're repoing your car" i'd rather get stabbed again than worry about financial people
  5. that sucks for you. whats your job some emo chick is telling me a sob story, but im trying to bang her this week, so i dont want to tell her to suck it up and drive on
  6. i had some bomb ass baked chicken and macaroni for lunch today. i wish i could sleep
  7. i want some ribs too i got popeyes in the fridge =/
  8. a: YAAAAAAA a: what it is b: drunk bored feeling like harrassing ppl a: im drunk too b: fuck you, i will de prop you a: you can a: t a: de prop **** a: its not allowed on 12oz b: true story, im out of teh pr0pz b: me > you b: this is kind of like a blind date.. a: oh it is? b: mos def b: i love you man i'm bored ;) i was in vegas last weekend, going again this weekend we're all getting a room at hooters anjd crashing there. 55$ + tax a night, 2 beds and a large floor i just hate the drive
  9. too windy to paint tonight suppose i could go moniker my face up but im too lazy plus i got a 2 hour drive to vegas tommorow
  10. im freezing too but my windows open so i can smoke im drinking corona's =/
  11. that yes is fresh as fuck, i love that dudes chrome skilets
  12. bump bump bump scribbler, send me some new flix of the yard in weisbaden
  13. dope shit, i love this. maybe i'll post some later
  14. first 90% of these handstyles are fucking whack second this is paperchase not brick slayers, paper or digital only
  15. all the shit on UGHH top sellers sucks or is old / played out already copywrite atmosphere (both albums suck [as much as i love atmosphere]) demigodz sucks compared to their first cd apathy's new album sucks ghost face is played out haven't heard one be lo's yet, but probably isn't as good as when he was "binary star" Cunninlynguists fell off Hi-Tek fell off that's really all that's on there that's worth mentioning
  16. i wish there was something to do right now where i felt accomplished hm. any new ughh out there that's super good but new? like late 07/08
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