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Posts posted by bomb_the_system

  1. Yes graffiti is art, but to most non-writers it's vandalism so do we really need to tag if it's art?. We all know graffiti strated with tagging then moved on to pieces, when i ask people if they like graffiti most of them say ''i like the murals that they do on walls and on the train lines but i hate tag's'' there are some really good tags out there, with throw up's there are some that look really dope. Over the year's i've goten into the more art side of graffiti less tagging and throw up's to more pieces. So if graffiti is really art why do we need to tag or bomb the fuck out of some thing? i know that pieces are supposed to be done illegal wich gives you the rush, when i got caught by the vandal squad i thought i could never graffiti agen but i strated asking the owner if i could do pieces on there wall or fence 90% of them sat yes the other 10% is old abanden bulidings or rail way property. so i hope you get my point plus if u ask the own you dont have to worry about cops chasing you, and you can spend more time on your piece.

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