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Posts posted by gunningforbread

  1. arguing about rime...hmmm shows how much u all love the guy.

    how about more flix less rime riding. The truth is there will always be someone with the same name out there: If you ain't kicking someones ass then you should keep the hate to yourself.GET OVER IT or DO something about it. How about we all grow up a bit: give respect where its due and keep your hater comments to a minimum.

  2. "nastynix

    30 years in the game and this is why the Jersey scene is unable to thrive to its FULL potential...u can blame it on geography, economics, whatever...its the writers themselves that cant get out of OUR own way....


    Sleepless in Silk City"


    the reality is that graff is an industry. Its getting so washed down with commercialism that no one has a deep understanding of why they are doing it. Some want to eat off of it and they'll get paid to feed others garbage that sells: people buy it cause they dont know any better,but u can't hate on people getting paid. Others want respect from it. Some aren't happy with whats on their plate so they get angry with what the next man is doing. And a very small % abide by the original rules and culture. Last but not least the biggest upset to graffiti is 12oz. While it was made with good intentions it turn out to be an Achilles heel for graffiti. It is what it is.

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