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  1. is that why that toy "casa" has already gone over a good portion of your 5 spots? keep dreaming kid, you did a shitty 2 letter over a grand piece on a LEGAL WALL, remember? You already have Sime and Mister dropping bombs on your shit (they wiped out about half of it in an hour)... are you really willing to have all 10 of your ugly ass throwies put to shame? careers can end in a heart beat kid. EDIT: Sorry for the added chit chat to the people who are on the forum to look at pictures.
  2. SLON and HO... you are terrible. Honestly, you should never ever pick up a can of paint again. I have seen your ugly ass shit year after year and never said anything but I have to. You have both been painting long enough to have produced a decent piece, or come up with a throw up that isn't fucking ugly. It's too bad that you went and painted over those people, they atleast had decent throw ups. Go find a new hobby, or develop some style before you go out and paint again. You will be doing yourself a favor...
  3. that second rei is sooooooo fresh... both are ill.
  4. Snek EMS Rebar MTC Fant MTC that Dajam post is ill too!
  5. stop posting bloks hands... gauz's throwie is ugly sumo's hand us ugly random's r is ugly bump arek, joce, con, jick, circus, caspa
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