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Posts posted by Cuda

  1. The only thing I remember about Opie and Anthony is that they came on the same channel as Howard Stern right around the time of 911.

    And that I hated them for being a cheap knockoff wannabe Howard Stern show gimmick who couldn't even pull that off because they were fucking corny.

    After sitting through about a minute of this, I'm convinced that they're even worse than I once thought back when I actually heard of them.

    Fucking douchebags who clearly don't even believe the horse shit that they spew who are blatantly out to say whatever they think will get the right ratings response in a poser attempt to garner the same attention as Howard Stern.

    Howard Stern is real.

    These niggas are impostor leaches with nothing but dollar signs in their eyes and a false sense of how to achieve them.

    Do they even exist anymore?



    You good sir are just an argumentative cunt, aren't you?

  2. The only thing I remember about Opie and Anthony is that they came on the same channel as Howard Stern right around the time of 911.

    And that I hated them for being a cheap knockoff wannabe Howard Stern show gimmick who couldn't even pull that off because they were fucking corny.

    After sitting through about a minute of this, I'm convinced that they're even worse than I once thought back when I actually heard of them.

    Fucking douchebags who clearly don't even believe the horse shit that they spew who are blatantly out to say whatever they think will get the right ratings response in a poser attempt to garner the same attention as Howard Stern.

    Howard Stern is real.

    These niggas are impostor leaches with nothing but dollar signs in their eyes and a false sense of how to achieve them.

    Do they even exist anymore?



    You good sir are just an argumentative cunt, aren't you?

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