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Everything posted by TrueArtCrimes

  1. smoke danke and drink dranke my nigss
  2. yeah illegal lifestyle and gangsta shit yeye boiii -tuupac shakur
  3. modesto wtf happened loose your balls or what?
  4. thats because it is all the same dont let the colors fool ya!......xDDDD
  5. USERS CURRENTLY VIEWING THIS THREAD: 24 (9 members and 15 guests) TrueArtCrimes , JUST THE FACTS , SKUM:BUCKET , staythuqqin , ironpark , liberatedspace , RatDick , yo-yo , Face To Face, econ, AcusE
  6. not seeing shitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.........wake up modestoooooo. smoke danke and drink drankee!!
  7. wow lol everyones talkn shit over some numbers thats funny........its train time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets all hop and get along!!!
  8. its train timeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. been seeinnng ftl gettin up latelyyyy
  10. lolz buket buker helluh 1 letter off smoke dankee and drinkk drankkee y'alll Tack......
  11. BUMB ACUSE.......smoke danke and drink dranke!!!!!
  12. Just smoke a roach........but im not high ='(
  13. cop fsho lol (go to ther court dates) u serious lolz trying to lure mo people in whatchu we is dumb?
  14. ive been seeing ak everywhere Wtf lol new krew
  15. MR is emar itsjust a qwiky lol not merg
  16. lol idk mosk gets up like crazy awwwwwwwhaw bump MR and MOSK
  17. i seen gvk up hella around west side new krew?
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