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Everything posted by ouch1one

  1. this type of comparision only promotes negativity and not painting....i c no point.........
  2. its a choice based on intention, many approach a wall differently legal or not............. im on the west and see the hearts of lions outta these west 3a cats and no it aint a kem piece but there is no replacing the look that tred, saro and kato and so many other provide... i guess i think there is no comparision for they seem to be coming from completely different points of view which negates the comparision in the start.......... my 100 bucks
  3. i know him and believe me it doesnt fuckin matter.........
  5. ouch1one


    THIS HAS REVENGE QUALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. player, wwl has the cure to fucking aids and then some, he just wants us to suffer......cus he can
  7. fuck panda express... over an open flame take a wok with you standard blanched chow mein noodles and toss them with sesame oil, cilli flake(to taste), soy sauce, and sugar. salt and pepper to taste..... after youve done this add your choice of sauteed veggies and presto! fucking chow mein and its better than anything other than your asian homies grandma..... the south end provides other wise...
  8. ouch1one


    TIRES*HUBS*RIMS [/img] [/img] [/img] [/img]
  9. letgo, i believe i sent u a pm, either way this is my screen name and pm me because we need to meet up and fight...one on one, no homies or witnesses...anytime anywhere OUCH THR KREW
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