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Posts posted by BobbyMoney

  1. I am drunk.....for no reason....again. I'll be on the Oontz again definitley this week, can some awesome person pls remind of this post via PM(hope Im not asking too much) and the fact I should check out a meeting or two at least. Thanks................... :)

  2. I once saw a bum pooping on another bums head. I was like" wtf you doing?" hes like " shitting on his head why do you care?" me: " I dont, but I am going to take a picture, I hope you dont mind" bum: " hahahahahahaaaaaaaa...., you...haha you needa send me that pic guy" me : Ill bring you one in a few weeks".....eventually I was arrested with that camera....stupid film, damn 90's

  3. Lookin for a link?^^^^sidereel.com

    Also, all this "wouldnt so n so's insurance cover them" talk, ya'll sound like the nerds from The Simpsons critisizing about Itchy n Scratchy, lol. It's a TV show, take it for what it is n enjoy, like c'mon. Relax, it's ENTERTAINMENT!

  4. Re: Travel Log - 2011 - USA


    Pheasant legs for dinner last night and breasts for breakfast, far more delicious than any bird I've tasted before. nothing for dinner tonight I suspect but there is a banquet of Oregon grapes, rose hips, and chokecherries to gather in the light of the morning sun.


    Tonight I lay my bed beside the backbone of the world, aside the well worn trails of many game, and beneath the evening stars, facing the East, where from all good things come.




    You should do some travelling in the Canadian country, also very spectacular in it's own right. Great thread, thx for making the oontz that much better. A banquet of Oregon grapes, rose hip and chokecherries sounds like the best breakfast ever.

  5. If you dont take these niggas advice YOU need a brainscan mah nigga, #realtalk. Get paid!


    WTF forreal there was some good advice from the likes of Theo n stuff when I posted. Anyway, get paid for making mofos like me laugh. Good luck.

  6. i just remembered about this recently. Saw the site a few years ago, I still can't believe that they're serious about this. It's like medieval Europe somehow got a internet connection.


    An internet connection, it's like medieval europe got AN internet connection. On another note, yes, there are many a dumb people on Earth. Thank you for your time.

  7. Mr.Enmity, I thought I responded but from the looks of it it's a no. Anyways, ty for being the one person with help in mind, but I do believe my diagnosis was correct. I tightened up the lock bolt and all seems well, I'll keep whoever(noone) informed if they care.

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  8. <<<newb....now that that's out of the way. I recently bought an old supercycle 12spd which was recently overhauled by a local older bike fixing kinda dude. All was well until today, which was my second day of biking 20km to work(it took me about 45 mins, is that a decent pace?) on the way home my rear wheel began shaking from side to side but the nuts were tight. I think it may just be a loose axle, I was hoping for this great group of cyclists input n thoughts on a remedy to said issue. Hoping for some good feedback and also some funny stuff, it's the oontz after all.

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