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Everything posted by remo_oner

  1. its pimp in distress retard.. cnt go..dnt got a ride and im not about to mob on a board...fuk that..im sore and its cold haha
  2. haha bump euro reot and hoger..and everybody thats out there puttin in work
  3. haha exactly why i put it.... at first i really thought it said pryze but then i really looked at it and i couldnt make out the "P" in the letter structure lol
  4. ?????????????????..........
  5. yo werm! all the freights are gone aint they? i went and they were gone
  6. $25? homie jst got 150 of em today oxi cottons ,norcals and some other wierd named one too
  7. haha fukin feen!!! chop it up!!
  8. u were all fuked up huh!!^^
  9. haha i love people like u....^^^ keep it up
  10. there im done...continue
  11. bump ma nigga bones!! been gettin up lately! keep it up G..
  12. haha bump the wise young huss...^ he knows facts!! yo bonnneeess!! hit me up!!
  13. evidence=?? should i say it?? id rather not..its not me bro!! yo young huss...hit me up..come to ma house real quick!!
  14. ur welcome :) that show was legit..u put it together nicley..hit me up next time ur in town
  15. husky will crush and destroy all whom talk shit... there really is no shit to tlk about other than hes good and he gets down.. thats about the worst u can possibly say about the guy..
  16. simple and readable...wat else more do u want?!.... anymore extreme it woulda been ilegible bump sigh..
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