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Everything posted by DrGelato

  1. Different Kerse. He is an animal on the freights though.
  2. to whom is this comment directed?
  3. Bump SP.One...styles for miles!
  4. Damm, step that account up!
  5. You're not up? it's sweet to put your watermark on someone els's flick now, that makes it yours.... original off flickr
  6. Two sides to every story....
  7. That's the 12 line...JA and PJ are gonna race for it....
  8. All the crews that COPE coulda pushed...
  9. That's real talk, Adek ain't havin it from nobody!
  10. YOOOO! Those Metro North's are what's up!
  11. AHAHAHAHA, dry snitchin on the crew!
  12. How you gonna steal a flick off flickr, throw your own water mark on it, and front like you caught it?
  13. I think that's money's stee, I've seen a couple of those gates, there was one in Chelsea, and one in the LES, I doubt he would have left two at the same stage of unfinishedness.
  14. Bump all my homies on that list, bump train passes, and bump Mom Dukes from not throwing out my shit.
  15. "Yo! Stay back man fuckin MSK's painting this wall!"
  16. That CHINO BYI-CHIP hopper is a great catch, and bump my man Hence...oh and props to Fart and Barf for ripping burners on the mainline....;)
  17. "Back a second time, but on a different assignment..."
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