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  1. Re: ---------------- The =Mr. TOTEM= TATS Cru - 3A - TGE - 7th thread ----------- 09'-til Im lovin that wood grain effect on the T.
  2. Re: ---------------- The =Mr. TOTEM= TATS Cru - 3A - TGE - 7th thread ----------- 09'-til FREESTYLE?! You put people to shame, son.
  3. Re: ---------------- The =Mr. TOTEM= TATS Cru - 3A - TGE - 7th thread ----------- 09'-til OMFG. you win, you just win.
  4. WORD! All those bitches were just gold diggers. Rest In Paradise MJ.
  5. who did that green piece right above pose?
  6. Its real. i saw a close up of it on his video.
  7. Re: ---------------- The =Mr. TOTEM= TATS Cru - 3A - TGE - 7th thread ----------- 09'-til 0___0 im speechless. that piece is god-like.
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