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Mr. Ilovehaters

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Posts posted by Mr. Ilovehaters

  1. Site - thats killer!


    Something simple, just a quick script tatt I drew up for someone

    I would post this normally but theres too much talking!!!


    "Stop being a prisoner of your past, and become the architect of your future."






  2. hahahaha^^

    -when girls dnt know when to SHUT THE FUCK UP! i mean i havnt been talking for the last 5 minutes why are you still ramlbling bitch!!

    -when your in the middle of a long ass text and someone calls you

    -old people driving

    -when you hit that stupid insert button on the keyboard and you try to delete the last letter you typed but it deletes the letter before that, yall know.

    -when people dont know how to control their kids

    - im hispanic, but when these fools tell you "im sorry i dont speak good english"when they just told you that perfectly

    -salesman that use the word free to get you hooked, then say for only $35, fuck outta here

    -fools that will talk shit to while driving but you tell em to pull over and they somehow find a way to get ahead of you

    -when motherfuckers look at my wife

  3. cops are the biggest gang/mafia in the US, they almost all wear the same color, have a badge (like a tat), all are strapped, allways call for backup, think there hard just cus there cops and know if they werent they would the livin shit beat out of them, if one of there boys gets murked they wear lil ribbons (like a RIP t-shirt) jump fools for no given reason, do and slang drugs...fuck the police period!!!!!

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