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sausage party

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Posts posted by sausage party



    my friend had the same pain in his side and got it checked out. turned out his appendix was swollen to the size of a softball and fucking all this organs up. got it removed out of his belly button or some shit. good he did it within a few days because that thing could have ruptured. not having health insurance sucks dick.

  2. dammm i love these shit stories hahah i got one. ill keep it short.


    my now ex girlfriend and i used to fuck alot before we actually started dating. and a couple times when we would fuck, just at the beginning of our fucking, she shit when i fucked her. i would be railing her out hard, not even in the ass. when we would change positions, on two occasions, i noticed that she pooped a little. both times it happened we were drunk and we would just wash off and it wouldnt be a big deal, we would just laugh it off. eh.


    fuckd the shit outta her. literally.

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