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Sleeper Cell

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Everything posted by Sleeper Cell

  1. everyone wore crocs..... bump thus,amer,erge.
  2. bump that dude heman....
  3. you're doing it wrong.
  4. your just mad because hes stylin on you.
  5. that sek & dusk newspaper is epic as fuck.
  6. agreed.....i think thats the best random ive seen so far, looking solid.....that caspa is fresh as well.
  7. bump the emoh, later and heman
  8. is that what everyone tells you about graffiti?......"i know my style looks like 50 other kids from NYC but im going to be something someday!" keep the dream alive little buddy.....one day you might be something or fuck who knows have goals?....
  9. quiet down fatboy....glad to see that ban is finally over.....
  10. I can tell someone didnt own a speak and spell growing up...glass houses? how many of those bottom dropped straight letters with a 2 color fill on them have you done recently.... now get back to "sketchen"...
  11. mind your own?....post it in a thread thats relevant to it and stop trying to fish for attention little buddy.
  12. caps lock demands respect....dont you test him....he'll get all extra TOUGH AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  13. bump that lyne and emoh....sick wall.
  14. o0oo0o new wall spot.
  15. you still dont fit in.
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