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steady trippin

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Everything posted by steady trippin

  1. probably one of the most unique names out there that is with the spelling of it
  2. that a block next to the beamr? someone got a flick of it
  3. i didn't say they were the same, and im not saying they are they're two completely different situations, and i respect writers who paint in both i expect to see more elaborate pieces in a ditch and i wouldn't be suprised to see someone get capped on a train it's when toys run around ditches doin nothing but catchin a fast one and puttin their little sharpie hands over bigger writers. and to say graffiti isn't for etk go fuck yourself. you sound like a top notch hating bitch cause guys younger than you put in more work
  4. it's like those pictures where you spot the difference
  5. nice flicks some good shit :cool:
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