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Posts posted by forsit

  1. i always love reading the report after getting arrested. So many lies, and over exxagerated to the fullest.


    When I was on the news the first time for graffiti they said that I said "I'll never get caught. I'm too good to get caught, you'll never catch me blah blah". And that was the night I got released on lack of evidence. What I really said was "You're not going to catch me doing shit because I'm not doing anything wrong at all". And then I got snitched on and the rest is history.

  2. Yo Forsit not for nothing but you're the one who made this thread talking bout you just got out the bing without explaining what you got knocked for.

    Then you went and said that it was your 5th or 6th time violating, but they decided to drop your charges and let you walk from your PO anyways.

    Then when you finally came forth with what your charges supposedly were for, you said that you was just a look out who failed to actually look out and see the cameras that were pointed at you and your boy "doing dirt".


    If you can't see how you set yourself up for this onslaught, then I don't know what to tell you cuz.


    What onslaught? :lol: One offbrand nigga posting pictures of dudes fucking?


    I wouldn't say I was a lookout, moreso an accomplice and the driver didn't know how to drive stick very well...or at all. So all in all it's his fault we got caught. If you wanna know the whole story just PM me and I'll be more than happy to tell you. But I'm not putting all my business on blast. This wasn't supposed to be a OMG I WENT TO JAILZ LOLZZ!!111!! thread. This was made to say what's good to everyone and check in because I've been MIA for like six months. No, this wasn't my first time in jail (although I hope it's my last because that shit is boring) and no I didn't spend more than 3 hours in a holding cell.

  3. So, what you are saying is that you have nothing to add and were so stupid, you got caught doing bullshit.


    It really seems that you are the one that is mad.



    I might not know who you are, but I can tell that you are no good at committing any sort of crimes and should give it up. I have no doubt you will eventually end up in "real" prison due to your own stupidness.


    You should be careful or you will get raped in the holding cell again.


    Stay black nigga.


    Not good at committing crimes? Ok, dude. Not even trying to make this a pissing contest or a ZOMG IM So0o0o0o0 GOOD AT DOIN DURT LOL, but shit fucking happens. You don't know the fucking details or what the fuck happened. So you can't speak on shit. Fall the fuck back. I've boosted tens of thousands of more merch than you ever have/painted more spots than you exponentially.



    Anyway, on to serious things, LUGR, a lot of bullshit happened and I fell back to the needle. There really is no excuse at all, but I'm glad I did that little stretch because it gave me time to reflect and get clean. I smoke weed, yeah, and rarely drink, but I'm no longer fucking with the opiates. That shit is just bad news? How long has it been since you've had a drink? You were doing good for awhile.

  4. You obviously are not worried about a camera, since you got arrested for doing dirt directly in front of one. You are just too stupid to realize that you should not get recorded committing crimes. Maybe you should be in prison, it seems that you have no book or street smarts.


    Is your only come back to me, is to basically say I am gay for posting a picture? Hahaha. Can you please pick more countries to call "soft", because compared to Seattle, I guess you think every place else is soft. Hahaha



    You a joke, who is mad because you got arrested on a retarded misdemeanor charge, went to the holding cell, and is not getting any props for it.


    Just do you feel better I will say I am gay for looking up pic of you getting raped, because being called gay is a whole lot better then being a wannabe gangsta who can not figure out how to commit petty crimes in front of the camera. Basically a fucking retard.


    I didn't know there was a camera. Plus, you don't know the details of the crime so you don't even know what/how/why it all happened. Goddamn, you're stupid. I wasn't looking for props for getting locked up, I was just what's good to all my CH0 niggas because I been gone for a minute. I have no idea why you keep bringing up a holding cell. I wasn't in a holding cell for 120+ days :lol: You're a fucking idiot. Retarded misdemeanor charges are better than "intelligent" felonies.


    How am I a "wannabe" gangsta? It's the internet my nigga. You don't know who's on the other side of the screen. And you been on my DICK since jump street. You're the only nigga that cares enough to say anything. Fall the fuck back! You're gettin' mad desperate with them lame ass comebacks. I'm not mad at anything at all. :lol: You're actin' mad salty over some trivial ass shit. And no I didn't call you gay for posting a picture, I called you gay because you were typin' words into google that any legitimate man would never in his life dream type in :lol:

  5. I actually typed in "how Forsit faired in the holding cell in Seattle".


    Have you committed any more petty crimes in front of cameras?


    nah my nigga you typed in some literally homosexual shit :lol: I don't give a fuck about a camera. I'm not some punk ass bitch looking up dudes fucking other dudes on google just to "make a point, bro".

  6. I met this nigga that did time with you and he told me this is how it went when you were locked up.


    I am pretty sure you are the one on the right.


    This nigga really typed in "dude booty sex" in google :lol: fall back my nigga, you're deading yourself.

    • Like 1
  7. ^ FUCK THAT!





    Yes it is exactly like this. Too many cornballs thinking they can rap in the mod. Talking about being locked up, doing a bid, moving weight.LOL


    Hahahahahahaha. Forreal. This dude was like "YO I'M OPENING FOR WIZ AT SUMMER JAM WHEN I GET OUT. WATCH. JUST WATCH!" and that nigga was nowhere. When you get moved up to work release from GP they give you all of your possessions minus phones, cigs, etc but you get your jewelry back for some reason. That same dude wore these chains that sounded like crumpling potato chips bags whenever they hit each other :lol: He also had these jeans that had weed leaves all over them. And, yes, all he did was rap.

  8. You do dirt on camera and you are calling me a idiot? Hahahaha


    Then you come on here, talk about it, and then get mad because you are called on your bullshit story.






    How is this thread doing for your gangsta image?


    Now you are trying to call out whole countries as soft?



    I will give you a hint, the booking cell is not "doing time".


    alright little nigga.

  9. Not really. Alll he said so far is that he went to jail on a bullshit charge of breaking his probation. The not snitching on friends thing is bullshit too, because if it wasn't he would have added more info.


    Why start a thread about jail and not say anything about it?


    I think this guy never made it past the booking cell. Unless he was picked up on a weekend, he did not even do 24hours .



    Either way, jail is dumb and not the place to be. To tell us all that you went there is even dumber. You get out and continue your life, not tell 12oz about it.


    Why the fuck would I add more info on something that isn't even your business? Hahahaha, why do you care?! :lol: My homie got caught doing some dirt and I was there with him as a lookout of sorts, shit went wrong, cops pulled us over down the street and questioned all of us. He was on camera and so I was. And it was obvious I was looking out for him. I didn't tell the cops shit and they got me on a complicity charge because I didn't cooperate. they took that as an admission of guilt. And no it's not some graffiti shit.


    Think what the fuck you want dude, but you're a fucking idiot :lol: I've been gone four out of the six months in this year and anyone on the oontz that kicks it with me on the outs and attest to that.


    Don't you live in England or Australia or some equally soft ass country? I could be mistaken.

  10. You got PR'd on your 6th PO violation???


    Then closed out all your cases???


    The fuck???


    None of my crimes are violent really. My other violations were like dirty UA's, not enough AA meetings, etc. This was only my 2nd violation for getting a new charge whilst being on probation. The first one was graffiti, the second was "Complicity". Plus, the city where the court is out of has a fucking full ass jail. They PR people that aren't flight risks/have petty ass crimes. Yes, I know I lucked the fuck out haha.

  11. U thought you were tough



    You just umad



    You can't even tell us the whole story.


    I didn't know you were so concerned. It's kind of cute.

  12. If you didnt do shit why didnt you talk? What was there to say?


    Because I'm not a snitch.



    HAHAHA You really just said that.

  13. ohh word I wish it was like that. it was aight. the only time people would get beat up or punked is if they didn't shut their mouths. if you just act like an adult you won't get fucked up. plain and simple.

    • Like 1
  14. you were arrested. It was your 6th probation violation, they revoked the complicity charge and they just closed all your cases?


    Just getting the cuffs slapped on you no matter what is a violation, if your on probation. I don't understand how all your cases got closed because they revoked a 6th probation violation. or your cases are closed and your just on probation for them, but you've had 4 violations already while on probation and this is your 5th or 6th, and they revoked it. because........I'm confused.


    I got a new charge, got PR'd the next day, had to go to court for a probation review/for that charge, they got tired of me fucking up on probation so they revoked my probation time and gave the rest of it to me as jail time with 1/3 good time. what was confusing to you?

  15. No soups. There was no commissary so I just traded my cakes (the baked good), along with every other carb plagued food for apples.

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