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Everything posted by minim

  1. ahha its pastel and it looks nice on paper but the scanner blows it up
  2. alright, ill post when i come up with something that looks good
  3. yeahh alright then yeah my simples i meant the straight shit.. what do you mean by simples then? what i was saying is that the straight lettered keyboard shit is too simple but yeah so your saying to just get the blocky stuff down and then just expirement?
  4. JESUS CHRIST THANK YOU!! THATS what i was talking about
  5. i think all of you are just missing what im saying. simples are easy they just need to be straight and even and shit are you telling me that if i just practice simples over and voer again that its magically gonna turn into a throw obv. not. so what im asking is whats after you have a clean and perfect simple? do i just keep on practicing simples and try to add variation?
  6. I know that, i've been trying a ton of things, and the stuff i liked best i posted, then one of you come along and tell me to do this keyboard rubb should i continue trying my shit but just try to keep my letters straight and equal?
  7. Well if i don't like it now, how much is it going to change if i just do it over and over? am i allowed to deviate from the exact keyboard font? because if im not, then the only thing that is going to change is the 3d and the forcefield and how straight. when i've done this 100 times, its still going to be spaced out, blocky, and unoriginal. ill trust you guys, but i gotta make some sense out of this edit: alright ill work on the thickness and straightness and uniformness but i still gotta know how far im allowed to strafe
  8. repetition for what? to get those letters perfectly straight? i'd say thats more a matter of patience are you telling me to just draw that picture the exact same over and over?
  9. hm well alright, what should i work on then? i mean..do i take off on that keyboard sketch and try to elaborate now?
  10. fafaf alright ill get right on that ill edit this one im done also check out my previous edit its quick and not that accurate, but meh what exactly was the point of doing that? and no offense, but who are you to give such a standard? do you have any good throws behind you? cuz i oobviously have done this to start, but its ugly and unoriginal. just asking :D
  11. fresh toy har :D just lemme know what i need to edit: heres another one with a shit hand improve
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