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Everything posted by SITERONERISM

  1. armand.you have a rely unique style.and it looks like you got yourself a better camera.haha i like it and he green keyline sets it off nicley.uv inspired me 2 put effort into my sketches instead of the half arsed biro sketches iv been doing
  2. im asking for this thread to be closed down purely because of miles and his shit talking
  3. i think i have the answer most people sketch the outline and then colour so if they get lazy they still have an outline while you sketch and colour so wen u get lazy u are left with only a letter in full colour and not the rest
  4. [/img] exchange with easy83. not happy with it at all so il be doing another one soon,was done in a bit of a rush,
  5. that dabue is stupidly large,nice post
  6. u hav some really interesting letter form statz,its dope
  7. i knew they were eventually goin to be posted.could b gone soon. i doubt anyone will say where it is
  8. and you sound stupid but you dont hear anyone else complaining rrepost because it was the last on the page [/img] [/img]
  9. got bored of the full pager so i did that sketch,didnt plan it or anythin and the book hapend 2 be upsidedown
  10. [/img] [/img] start of a full pager and a simple new style,
  11. very nice rubik.the sword is dope
  12. at least u finish,im sitting here with a pile of SI and sometimes a T infront of me but cANT be fuked finishing
  13. i disagree.i happen 2 lik sum of those R's but either way sum nice sketches u got ther
  14. do ou have the flik by any chance
  15. iv alredy said it has been done at a joke,this thread is going nowhere fast. hat started out as not a bad idea has gone to shits because of an incredibly bad joke
  16. im no brit either,your terrible at guessing
  17. fuk up .im no nigger and even if the shit your posting is ment to be a joke,its failing to amuse anyone.and if its serious then thats just embarrassing. coming from someone who comes from lolcano you fucking halfwit
  18. y has this thread morphed into the toy battle thread?
  19. ziller u foto thief.i took the top 1 hahaha.
  20. nar all these cunts just like arguing for the sake of it,i rekn its not a bad idea
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