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Everything posted by SITERONERISM

  1. that arek is dope.nice flow.and feeling the old school connections. i have to stat getting back into them.been getting into harsher angrier styles.and keane,your top sketch is cool man
  2. the whole sketch has a strong east/este feel.
  3. i personally dont really feel your letters either,and name dropping just makes you seem stupid.your letters might have an oldschool feel to them but i feel there too soft and rounded, heres some of my sketches. feel free to pick them apart. i do it myself or else you can never improve [/img] [/img] [/img]
  4. ma spliffs longer than the arm of an orangutang
  5. haha i did exactly that the other day, found a couple of old sketchbooks. made my day
  6. einstine,i saw that today, its fukin stupidly huge
  7. [/img] [/img] i believe this is a blackbook.
  8. agreed,thats the same fukn point i brought up the otha day, just cos he chooses to spend his money on paint rather than other shit you all seem to immediatley start bitching,getting old n noone really cares about what you have to say,clearley he hasnt listened to wat you said,so why keep goin?
  9. [/img] page full of shitty characters,ha i have stopped sketching my word until i paint atleast one of the sketches i have now.
  10. runkids,think about what your saying before posting,you look awfully foolish
  11. PS: larrabee stop filling this thread up with your ugly shit,u dont deserve crits with your attitude.
  12. [/img] [/img] [/img] a couple of somewhat new stuff, this thread is slowly goin to shit,with a few exceptions
  13. u all argue bout the stupidest shit,
  14. downunder,hadnt seen some of them,cheers
  15. haha,good effort on the wholecars. and dismo... more money is laughable.just all spent on paint
  16. cheers efay. and about creas and the use of ironlak, iv personally painted with him using only exports and the outcome was dope.just putting out the other side of the story
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