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Everything posted by SITERONERISM

  1. yeh knocking ralph loren and nautica in one post. big call. death to cutoff's and ankle freezers.
  2. earo- more painting's needed! some of the sketches are on point but the pieces are lacking. constructive criticism
  3. haha really hope none of those rants were aimed at me.
  4. [/img] not finished. freestyle biro shit.
  5. [/img] oldie. feel like drawing so there might be something new up soon.
  6. [/img] [/img] sharpie scribbles and an old sketch
  7. feeling left out now, gona have to draw something up!
  8. wtf! dont even remember those tags ever being done.... remove please !
  9. [/img] [/img] [/img] few quick sketches, btw im well aware the finger on the character's fucked. it was a very quick biro sketch
  10. not to sound like a dick. but i think you're wrong. not that i like the retro.
  11. each to their own, i dont like doing tall short pieces so thats why there not grounded, and i like to kick the ends out because or else it would just be a square on the wall. and squares are more boring than stars. but point taken.
  12. my comment wasnt meant to portrait it as a bad thing, honest mistake if you didnt know. and recluse. hit the nail on the head, that bloke is one of the worst examples of a human iv seen in a long time.
  13. unless it wasnt rush that was on that side wall with the dlae on it at HQ. styles seemed the same so i joined the dots. if it was him on that spot then he knows what im talking about.
  14. the kid went over an rip brat. and got his paint taken for it.....
  15. no worries, haha i no where your coming from, iv been freestyling all my pieces for the past 2 years so i havnt sketched enough.starting to get back into it.. iv got a few sketches that are well n truley out of my comfort zone but they never come together right. might have to roll a j n give it another crack.
  16. haha oneee day i might even use a spraybottle! few older sketches [/img] [/img] [/img] got really bored on the last one, was an 11 hour flight.
  17. ha yeh hadnt seen that, it was quite a quick sketch, lose concentration quickly
  18. [/img] for viper, i went pretty simple on this. wasnt really in the right headspace so i might do another one.
  19. no worries.itl be a few days on my side aswell
  20. viper you feel like another exchange? just black n white. feel like painting something a little different.
  21. [/img] been a long time since i posted anything in here
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