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Posts posted by c.u.t.t.h.o.a.t

  1. Comeback Kid sucks, even though 3 different people I know are in/have been in that band. Good people, boring music. CS, Homostupids, Direct Control and Repercussions all rule though.


    I've been listening to the same playlist in my car for coming up on 3 months now and it's still kicking. That Homostupids EP happens to be on there.


    comeback kid sucks after wake the dead.

    turn it around is hella solid.

    cant hate.

  2. skate league is so fucking dope. i wish there was more events.

    malto shouldnt have won week 2, ortiz tried shit that was difficult. flip in flip out shit.

    malto did 1 maybe 2 flip tricks the whole time.


    and chris cole shoulda won week 3.


    but as long as gay ass p rod and sheckler dont win its all good.

    they make a mockery of skateboarding. wearing clothes with your own name on it is super gay.

  3. From deliriumiswack after i told him taking info from someone was as good as snitching:


    "dude no its not. the mafia and mobs pay "snitches" to get info too. its just an adress to the place where this wkt shit head lives so you can come surprise him. and ITS FREE i dont want nothing in return,


    a news headline that says "29 yr old jorge c*** was found shot to death at ### **** street last night, neighbors reported hearing 2 shots and screeching tires. no descriptions have been made" would be nice




    iono who you are i figured yall were some san jose cats who dont like those faggots. i dont need to know it doesnt matter."



    i censored dude's name cause even though his crew is some snitches, i aint with that tellin shit.

  4. see i knew it bro you use the same disses to me as snitch on your city. watever i dont care really. bkf is gay, cutthroat is gay, but your the gayest snitch out of them all. fuck it im a snitch to right? fuck 12oz prophet and fuck the graffiti scene


    you messaged me on flickr and on 12 oz begging me to let you give me KRK's address as if i give a fuck about it.

  5. I smell jealousy. First of all, I know an never claimed tobe from sf even though he does have sf and the o locked down. Second of all I know he doesn't claim to be the best anywhere, he says himself he's a straight up grimey vandal no artsy fartsy fruity tooty 148 color legal walls. Third of all come see any of us in the dub and get your head cracked. Were on these streets all night every night. You want some come get some. I d love to catch you punk bitches that run they're mouth on here. What do you write buddy? That way We canhack you out then knock you out sucker. This is LYSOE WKT UND ZOMBIES. Get at me bitch. I live for the beef


    even this guy?

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