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Everything posted by Rune1

  1. aww man...thats rough^^who the fuck is trane??
  2. didnt you have a red tampon before??? I def could be wrong...i jus took a toke
  3. hey silba..howd you shake that tampon?
  4. not tryin to be a dick man, but those dont belong here, an on that floke you repped rea... Im unaware of you bein put down wit that crew...
  5. MAKER!!! lookin nice homie..ws that your first run at that??
  6. why'd you post those in the toy thread??
  7. these are for a toy battle, cousre I fucked up the order of the letters on the first one
  8. bumped for your viewing pleasure
  9. In the two letter throw the U is bigger than the S and the simple at the top has uneven widths , and would look better with out the added Knobs/blocks on the S U K parts...the N in yo hand looks like an H, an the K looks akward. Keep at it man, try looking fonts in MS word and try to replicate those for a while...that's what I been doin.
  10. Im jealouse man...fuck not havin an income!!
  11. change the E up a lil...take out the bars stickin out of the top an bottom...how was the ISH show?
  12. why are peeps postin painted stuff in here?? No hate jus askin.
  13. LOL ...check the toy paint thread and you'll be able to imagine...thanks for stoppin by with the hate biatch
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