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Posts posted by statenisland

  1. Yo 12,

    Today is the happiest day of my life. Tueday, April 8, 2008, I have a new family. I got a job that is very prestigious and is has been the only job I have wanted since I was 11. I am 24, and I had a phone interview today with them and I got the job in 20 minutes. I have all the qualities and the perfect background for the position, I was made for it, I will stay with it till I die.

    The job is for one of the countries 3 biggest cities and for one of these cities three major departments. It is the sole department that handles the city work from architects and costruction for skyscrapers and to a lesser extent, all other buildings. It is property to the extreme. I cried with happiness, which last time I did so also had to do with property. To everyone who loves skylines, skyscrapers, major cities, construction, architecture, this would be their dream job too.

    For real...



    What was the happiest day of your life?

  2. I think it was like 2nd or 3rd grade... but when the Thriller video came out... they gave us the option at lunch time to watch the thriller video over & over again or go play outside. EVERYONE watched the thriller video almost every day for a month until they stopped letting us.


    funniest thing in this thread.



    I, personally remember telling a girl in kindergarten that If she shows me her pussy Ill show her my dick. she did, I didn't.

  3. buy new CDs. the new fat joe one is his best cd and damn its good. lupe too. dj khaled too.

    get all 3.

    new clothes.

    clean inside of your car ti l it looks new.

    new car mats make a huge difference.

    read the paper.

    buy a magazine for men, like fhm, stuff, maxim, mens health, those are all real entertaining.

    exercise in any way.

  4. wash dishes,

    And where ever you find a job, don't tell them your quiting in 2 weeks, or they probably will just hire someone thats going to stay longer.


    thanks, and thanks ese also.

  5. fuck being a kid.

    dont u people remember that we all wanted to be grown up so we can do whatever teh fuck we want whenever the fuck we want. And we did, we smoked, we drank, we fucked, we went to college, went to jail, got jobs, got kids, got wives, apartments, houses, we drived cars.

    we are grown the fuck up. we can go anywhere, at any time.

  6. Alligators Shift Lungs to Maneuver in Water

    Unlike other stealthy swimmers, alligators lack the fins and flippers that help aquatic creatures maneuver in water. Despite the drawbacks caused by the absence of such specialized appendages, these powerful reptiles easily glide through the water in silence. Researchers have determined that alligators manage this feat by utilizing their unique ability to shift the positioning of their lungs within their bodies, thereby adjusting their buoyancy. The diaphragm, pelvic, abdominal, and rib muscles work together to force the lungs toward the tail for diving, toward the head for surfacing, and sideways to roll.

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