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Posts posted by reversetrapone

  1. serg rocks dont go over history... a misunderstanding is a misunderstanding though.



    shit is over reversestarpone cool out stop being an ass


    <3 vickjyk


    i dropped that shit a few posts back. thanks for posting those ono flicks, real happy to see an update.

  2. kid has a point, this site is pretty fucked, but you might as well shut the fuck up about it. why would the people you hate care that you hate them. youre more of an idiot than most of them are... congrats for being a complete fuck... and price, thats not funny, dumbest thing i read all day... die...

  3. I know what takecover is tryin to say. But o well. You need to be in the privelaged super secret DIRTY DOZEN to make a topic worthwhile. I guess we can all go back to one upping each other by kissing each others asses and being negative. if ONE smart comment is left in a thread well, i guess we'll all follow suit and make smart ass comments.:D

    ..ps. its OFF TOPIC, why wouldnt u complain. Id rather hear this than some gay " WOW dude, i like totally ran dowtown today to get a latte today and i ran into a dead bird, wanna see some pics brah?"


    in total agreement. most ouncers are fuckin idiots that fall into this category. why not discuss our country's growing problems? most of you dont even realize how fucked our country as a whole really is (especially our school systems(math literacy, our students cant touch students from india/asia)) and the changes needed to be made to correct these growing problems. why shoot this kid down for starting a thread like this? granted this thread should probably have been started under a different section, but fuck people, get some awareness goin on. if you do realize these problems, then either contribute to the topic offering some solutions, or sit the fuck down and stop getting off to yourself punking some kid over the internet.


    ps. feel free to tear me apart for this post, i could give a fuck. fuck you (majority of ouncers (only some of you have brains)) and fuck me for being a member of this forum for anything other than brickslayers and metalheads.


    pps. fuck me for wasting my time typing this shit out.


    ppps. close this thread because it is almost completely useless on a forum such as this, nothing intelligent will ever come out of it... and if it were, we might as well discuss marx and his writings on substructure and superstructure and how fucked up it is right now, considering this is a capitalist nation. just a thought...

  4. besides twinkys post

    this is the only other thing that is relevent...

    why complain about all this stuff

    on a online GRAFFITI FORUM....

    shits pointless...

    and on that note...

    somebody let the banhammer comence...


    wow...did you seriously type this shit out? almost nothing on channel zero has anything to do with graffiti...fuckin idiot...

  5. i was already on the verg of suicide due to my pathetic existance, but christ, a thread consisting of a massive BF, yes i mean bitch fit, makes me want to end my life slightly more for being surrounded by people like this in the graf game. fuck my life and bring on the shit talking and "please do us a favor and end your life" comments, i have nothing better to do than read them and contemplate life, and if you read this rediculas rant youre just as fucked as i am for reading all of these posts, and yes i just wrote this for fun and out of sheer boredom, i could really give a shit less about all of the retarted noobs., my eyes tend to just skip over those posts anyways, posts just like these...

  6. i told serg it was a misunderstanding and he said it was all cool. shit should still be all cool. if its not, oh well graffiti is not permanent and im sure he knew that when he started this shit. its not his last peice that was running. reversetrap you should just drop this, its old news. its already been talked about with serg.


    if you say its been talked over with him, then its whatever, and i know its not the last one running. but the fact is that it is history and it should be respected above all and left untouched. also the fact that it would probably still be running if that, "you wont cross the bridge to the northside" shit wasnt said and then acted upon. it needed to be addressed so shit like this wont happen in the future. im a northsider and dont have any problems with ftc/es on the northside. if your gonna paint it, paint it, just leave what is there, there. the last thing i would want to see is some angre stuff accidentally gone over. mad respect for all those that came before, as well as those who have past. subject dropped.

  7. WOW...u really upset about flea goin over serg... that serg is garbage i dont care if hes 15 or 30


    youre obviously a fuckin idiot. you dont go over history, especially a pgh pioneer like that who put in a ton of work and is doing really good things in the art field today, especially with kids. show some fuckin respect.

  8. Crits?


    on that staight letter relm, i would say to just move the m over so it lines up with end of the l and then just paint it in black and white. if its clean it should look decent, but thats just me.


    *id try to find a different name befor you get to involved with it, its rather played out, i know someone who wrote that for years and have seen atleast two others on 12oz who use it as well. no offense, just saying...

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