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Everything posted by WhatsMUNIwithoutamarker

  1. Flicks flicks flicks people keep the thread alive even if u gota flick it with a cheap camera phone.
  2. Don't worry he's still a toy he still hasent gotten his beating from a big nigga yet hahah.
  3. WTF is that shit, toy it's called crushed muni bitch 1st get the pics straight then maybe u won't look so fucking dumb next time.
  4. AHAHAH YOU PROB ARE SCAM AHAHAHAHHA!!!!!:lol: :lol: :cool:
  5. IT seams as Vote nd Lysole is come back 1810 back?
  6. WOW.. yall getting worked up over ONE NIGGA AHHAHAHA yall's is hella childish shows that yall some young ass kids... ahhahah:lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Wow... everyone get worked up over one person HAHAHAHH! now that shows how old you all are little asss kids trying to bus hop or w/e yall fucking do...
  8. MY NAME MY NAME IS BATTTTTMANNN!!!!! Wtf you think im a dumb fuck t do that kinda shit fack you
  9. Let me quote that shit bitch you dont know who the fuck your talking to so stand the fuck down or get ran over.. got that you probly like what.... 26 nd under nigga stop talking I been paint'n for 21 years yeeee bitch! prob run you in one fucking night if I needed to ...:scrambled: :scrambled: You cant see mee fucking OBM WTF IS THAT your a toy that runs as hard as.... lets seee Flers or w/e his fucking name is.
  11. Is it me or is ti like Scam is trying to eat off of someones style ahahhaha that one nigga Gotem Oh yeah I head that nigga just be copy'n shit off the inter net wow.... lol[:D
  12. NO to all this toy shit thats NO! Jezzz....
  13. no!no!no!no!no!no!no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. The buffing, thang aint working out for muni right now cuz the lost of money they had so yeah... right now if you were to hit up once it would run for a day or 2 outsiders included...
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