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Posts posted by rekzen

  1. that's so fucking boss of you, thanks a bunch!


    And to answer infrared's question, I live in Europe, and over here when we say painting trains we mean commuter trains, and when we say painting freights we mean freight trains.


    I dont tell people i painted a train, If it was a freight..I say freight...


    But yes infrared, freights are a type of locomotive train if thats what you wanna hear me say.


    Cheers for the pic Steven. Gotta love those reefers, definitely worth visitng the US to catch a piece on one of those.

    • Like 1
  2. Ill cut to the chase


    I'm looking for a flick of a reefer with lots of stick like characters of people holding up little signposts with letters, spelling out' train painters inc.' or 'train lovers inc.' or something along those lines... (even though its a freight)


    Someone has to have seen it in the forum somewhere. Please dig it up!!!


    Thanks in advance


    Sorry to have created a new thread for this i'll delete it tomorrow.


    -European metal lover.

    • Like 1
  3. Ill cut to the chase


    I'm looking for a flick of a reefer with lots of stick like characters of people holding up little signposts with letters, spelling out' train painters inc.' or 'train lovers inc.' or something along those lines... (even though its a freight)


    Someone has to have seen it in the forum somewhere. Please dig it up!!!


    Thanks in advance


    Sorry to have created a new thread for this i'll delete it tomorrow.


    -European metal lover.

  4. whatever man you win. i can't be bothered to argue with an idiot.


    Just so you know, those tags definitely aren't art...using that stuff to tag with is pretty much just plain vandalism. Especially since they're fucking hard to get rid of. But i don't think that matters to you, since they look too much like bum diarrhea, which they do.


    You would rather use a marker or can that the buff is going to bounce the very next day, so long as its 'pretty'. correct me if i'm mistaken.


    ink and paint makes nicer tags, i grant you that, but do a tag on stainless steel in the subway with either...the buff bounces it the next day.

    these don't just 'bounce'...

  5. I don't do legal walls, and my tags shit on your diarrhea bum spray.


    This is the "handstyles" thread.

    Food for thought: why would you post any hands that aren't straight heat in a thread that's devoted to handstyles?

    Were you seriously expecting the worlds props after posting that shit in here?


    Like I said though, constructive criticism. Take it or leave it.



    You're being a dick just to be a dick.


    So i am gonna answer your question. I posted those tags not to show off the quality of the hands but rather the technique.Firstly i'm pretty sure you don't know how i did them.


    Secondly, i never claimed at any point that my tags were better or hotter or whatever than than yours because i haven't seen any of yours...so don't get defensive.


    And lastly, ( i don't really care but i'm gonna say it anyway) im pretty sure if you posted some hands....peeps here wouldn't necessarily give you props either.




    So yes stick to your small opinions, let us innovate and bring graffiti further. whilst we leave you behind.


    if you don't understand shit then you shouldn't be talking, plenty of ppl asked me how those tags were done and what with.... so yes, i do think they were worthy of this thread.




    And lastly lastly....do you really think everybody tags to make artistic tags that look pretty? how much do you understand about bombing man? nothing it seems.


    so thanks for your interest, this is how i greet contructive agression, so go fuck yourself too.

  6. No offense bro, but this looks like diarrhea.

    The reason why I say this is because I've actually seen walls sprayed with bum diarrhea, and these pics look exactly like that.


    Constructive criticism.


    that's cute and all but nobody gives a fuck about your educated opinion on diarrhea. stick to your legal walls and internet graffiti my friend, and let us worry about what our tags look like.

  7. load limit, thanks for clarifying. with the numbers and stuff it all makes perfect sense.


    and we all know you guys started the thing, so iether way all my respects.




    eels, those pics are crazy. the wais with the reflection in the puddles and the one with the seabird are fuckin good pics.

  8. Why is it that americans paint waaaaay more freights than commuter/passenger/cleans...?


    ive come to this conclusion because all the threads in the metal heads section from the us are all freights...apart from the NY subway.


    Freights make a nice picture but there really isnt the same merit, you can paint a fucking freight in the middle of the day and take an hour and a half if you want...a passenger train in a yard is painted in 15mns and you have to cut through fences and climb over circular barbed wire, have to dodge 360* cameras and sometimes despite all that shit you still get grilled and never get a flick...or tear you flesh open on the barbs or whatever... its not quite the same game...


    so why are we big on that in europe and not so much in the us? are you guys scared or is it 'too difficult'?



    im not trying to stir shit up and i really would like to see some dope cleans if you wanna post, maybe some 2010s?

  9. hey anybody knopw where PAWK i forget his crew name, is from? i saw some of his shit a few pages back and its funny cuz i met him last summer in copenhagen, he had been doing a euro tour and we talked a bit. anyway. just wondering

  10. scrolled through the last two pages and the names that stand out are fucking bolsak and mek. hard hard shit gentlemen


    this is the last sketch i did, its for a friends son in the us. did it with a ballpoint pen before she had to take the plane back...ugh time!!!



  11. i'm with you on those words G.


    i'm the one who comented on your statement mr.ilovehaters, but i wasn't bitching at ya, just making a point for anybody who shared your opinion and yes everybody can understand people having a life, and not bombing. but not painting a legal piece, with just 3 or 4 colours from time to time or even once a month?...unthinkable.

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