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Posts posted by tnig

  1. i use oink mini mops because their nice and compact and dripy as fuck and make nice drips if you know how to use them and i also just make my own mops from shoppolish those are always nice and FAT


    but use whatever you can get up with ;]

  2. you didnt shake the bottle...


    i love oink ink...but i do mix it with pilot ink and its fucking un-stopable

    Alright thanks ima go out and get some pilot ink

    But when the oink ink comes out dark blue like I was saying does it still leave a ghost when buffed??

  3. I filled up my mini mop with oink ink and then I went out and used it


    My first 3 tags were the right color (black) and then when I was on my 5th or so hit up the ink wasent completly black it was starting to be a dark dark blue (the way its supposed to look when it leaves a ghost)

    Why won't it come out black anymore?

  4. Okay so I went to vns and got a kiwi shoe polish thingy and when I got home I emptied out the stuff in it and I filled it up with silver paint and I added brake fluide to it but when I do it, it comes out streaky and when I make it drip the drips seem to be a different shade of color and doesent dry as well as when it doesent drip.

    Did I add to much brake fluide?

  5. Has any1 ever tried mixing rubbing alchohalwith the insides of pens or shrpies???

    I just recently did this and when I was done I tried it out and it looked like water color so I put it back into my bottle and let it sit for a while while letting it sit I eptied out an accrilyc tube and mixxed it with rubbing alchohal it looked nice but when it dried it scraches off =\

    So anyway after letting it sit I noticed it was atiny bit darker and a bit glittery because I added some random model plane silver paint to it =] and when I put it in my mop it was darker so I put an extra sharpie inside , inside of my mop so I can keep it dark and I put lots of lead in it

    Any tips??

    This was all just an experiment because my friend told me about it and I wanted to see for myself =\

    O yeah I'm new at this whole forum thing so don't get all nutty at me

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