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Posts posted by inoticedthatyourgay

  1. honestly, just trying to get banned since this website wont let me log out.and if i cant look at stuff it eliminates the relevence of this webstite to me.and thats the idea.swing the ban hammer symbols guy,

  2. Re: 12OZ CRIBS - April 2007 edition (aka ABC & rental's new pad edition)


    the living room.








    If you could point your attention to the tiny ironing board.

    it's real cute.

    I like that in things.


    The kitchen.

    Is too small.





    A painting my niece did.

    Of me and my dude on a unicorn.

    And her on a unicorn.

    Our unicorn is sweaty from running in a race through the mountain caves.

    There is a flying squirrel.

    And a monkey in a tree.

    Dog barking at the monkey.

    And the airplane.

    It all makes so much sense.



    I saw this black dude in the dumpster yesterday.

    I think he was digging for some sort of engine.



    sweet fuckin damage deposit and devin the dude posters haha good combo

  3. Suck it up princess
    this had me laughing.


    i get pretty bad heatburn from really weird things. like i can eat fast food and steak and fuckin chips and salsa and be completely fine. however if i eat a bannana or a butterfinger, or like cookies/cake sweet baked goods etc. i will be fucked.


    ive found tums to work for my general purposes, i have to eat like 6 of em at a time tho.

    in the event you cant get any store bought remedies ifind those little red and white peppermints that they give you with your bill at resturants work really well for whatever reason.

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