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Everything posted by asker666

  1. rest in paradise davey and jed, it couldnt be more clear that the 2 of you will be missed, ive never seen more people torn up this much over anything before. you had a huge impact on the lives of everyone i know. you will never be forgotten
  2. kgb better pay me for the shout out too, get at me, you do all the time allready, i could really use the money right now
  3. props to whoever it was that came up with "kum guzzling bitches" for FINALLY figuring out a new acronym to dis us with hahahahaha, and whoever came up with that story about :confused: from AM making sine cry is incredibly creative and i cant wait to see you put that creativity to work on the street. maybe you can borrow :confused: bike that he stole from sine to get around to do it, you know, the one that didnt really have tires and you couldnt actually ride anywhere at all on it. i also really enjoyed that denote diss about candyland fucking shoots and ladders on acid and all that, again, cant wait to see you take that creativity to the street. shits unreal, :confused: from kgb, please chill on trying to defend the crew, im sick of seeing all this ridiculous e-beef, its not at all worth it, and every time some shit starts up theres 3 pages of talking shit on kgb which is pretty unreal too. ive got no beef with anyone really, i love my boys to death and will be there for them through whatever bullshit they go through but youre just instigating unnecessary e beef that im sick of seeing. and again, youre my boy and im there for you too. were all art fags, i admit it, im sorry i paint on things in my own house legally, i guess that means i like dicks or something. but anyway, bump everyone going out and getting shit done. bump everyone taking a risk to paint on shit that isnt theirs, bump not giving into e-beef, bump wearing pants that are too small for you, bump legal and illegal painting, bump shoots and ladders, bump acid, bump bumping shit, bump every writer ive met that has been a decent person, bump every writer that is not a nice person that tends to their own beef and stays out of everyone elses, bump me being drunk wearing a fishing jacket that isnt mine and being covered in some shit that im not sure what it is right now, and bump not being sure if anything im saying right now makes sense, and most importantly bump the next 16 pages being nothing but talking shit on kgb, and last but not least, bump david arquet (or however you spell it)for being in kgb in cali, oh, and texting kgb to answer questions is pretty rad too.
  4. and still bump the fucking pens! pittsburgh kids need to start getting along one day.
  5. ahhhhhhh gotta love the hate. i would expect nothing less, all beef aside though i think we can all agree that the pens game was fucking dope! were finally on the right track again! but still, bump needless shit talking, thats whats up.
  6. these kids only paint legals so theres no need to point out that youve never heard of them. but let the pages and pages of shit talking on kgb begin. "kids getting bullied", we all know, lets throw together a new acronym this time. i hope someone enjoys this. krime got boring
  7. safe, im more than happy to see tyf and my name on that sketch. i just dont get the safernee thing, thats kind of a wierd suffix.
  8. sko, chill on that throw. do straight letters, get that down, then move on.
  9. BAMBU- sorry it took so long, ive been busy, and i didnt like your letter setup with my style, so i did something completly different. its not one of my favorite pieces by any means, but i hope you like it.
  10. uhhhh do simples. lots and lots of simples. and BAMBU, ive got a descent outline going for you. hopefully ill be awake enough to finish it when i get home tonight. so be looking for it.
  11. i just looked through your sketches. our m's are kinda similar. but i can assure you i feel no need to bite your shit. youre still better than most people in here though. sorry for the double post.
  12. and who the fuck are you? get off my nuts.
  13. damn kid, i didnt know you were going to go through all that. looks good. i just threw something together real quick at a bus stop for you. and i didnt even color in the 3d. i feel like a dick now. ill have some time this weekend, ill hit you up with a color sketch. if anyone else wants an exchange i should have time for a couple color sketches this weekend.
  14. alert- get the fuck out of the toy thread. those sketches are mean as hell. amsone- thats some of the nicer stuff ive seen in this thread. would you be down for an exchange?
  15. allright, thats an impossible word to pronounce. all i can think of when i try to say it is like "boss dj", but im sure thats not what youre going for, that would be pretty wack. ill have that posted up sometime this weekend. yeah, get creative with the suffix, maybe youll inspire me with a new one. and thanks blart.
  16. yeah, post some shit up and maybe ill exchange you. bambu, what do you write? ill exchange you pieces.
  17. yeah, i looked for your work and i didnt find anything.
  18. i stole this from bonus, who stole it from some childrens alphabet shit, i know that, so theres no need to start your bitching. the period blood and tampon didnt come out quite how i wanted them to, but it say "no tampon can stop my flow" this said askism until some bitch tried to have sex with it and threw up all over the m. thats all for now. crits, exchanges, battles, etc?
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